I had been summoned to an ex parte hearing by Unger back in the early 2000s, because I had taken my son out of the county temporarily due to his father being in jail and I had nowhere else to go. I was unprepared and stressed out and had a hard time not crying and she gave me no chance to pull myself together.
His lawyer and Judge Unger seemed to believe that me staying elsewhere constituted some sort of kidnapping even though I had maintained contact with his father and we had no custody arrangement (filed or otherwise) and there was a restraining order. She apparently felt I was being difficult, and so she punished me with her ruling.
As I said before it was an ex parte hearing and I had no ability or time to get a lawyer. My parents both died when I was young, so unlike my Ex, I had no family to quickly get me lawyered up.
I honestly wasn’t that concerned because I thought with his history the judge would see that our son was not in good hands with his own father. I had a completely clean record, was an excellent mom but I had taken a part time job in the evenings so she used that to justify the amount of custody his father received. I had no idea an educated adult who specializes in this process would make such an insane ruling.
My son’s life has been greatly affected by how tumultuous his childhood was thanks to this judge. He’s smart and wonderful, he and I are pretty close considering he’s a teen. Unfortunately he’s angry and he takes it out on his schooling. He is not violent and had never gotten into “trouble” but he gets upset very easily sometimes. which in turn upsets him more. He scores off the charts but is failing out of high school. He is more anxious than I think is healthy and he is afraid to try new things and just seems very apathetic.
Back to when he was little – luckily Judge Daniels took over our case a year or two after that hearing, so while I’ve gotten very little back of what I lost that first day in court, he has since been fair and reasonable.
Judge Unger is just biased against mothers for some reason.
I would like to add I absolutely support mothers and fathers co parenting. If they are good men, fathers absolutely should have an equal right to custody. I know a couple of good fathers who had a child with a crazy woman. When they split up, the moms have boyfriends coming and going, drinking and drugs, that stuff in their home. The dads had no ability to get their kids out of that situation because of the common bias towards mothers. That is awful too. I just experienced it in reverse.
I would love to see her statistics lined up with other Judges here and elsewhere. I’m positive she would be at the top of the list for ruling preferentially towards the father, even when the father was less than fit.
It’s awful to think of the effect she’s had on so many children that have gone through her courtroom. Being extensively separated from their primary catetaker (mom OR dad) is just cruel, and she has no problem sentencing children that.
Though the mother has fear of the father’s temperament and retaliation behavior. The judge totally berates the mother who has being doing both parents jobs successfully and proudly but she is looked down upon and scorned as being the problem though she was never allowed to speak. The judge couldn’t have praised the fTher more. Though a schedule was agreed upon she felt it in her interest to add to it.
It’s truly amazing that judges like this are allowed by the state to continue cases over children that will put a child in harms way. Yet they will ridicule a parent that does. When did the states or government turn there aim to what’s best in the interest of the child that is already happy and thriving to what is the best interest in a deadbeat father who doesn’t pay child support, doesn’t support the child AT ALL emotionally or physically.
Not only is she unethical but she nit-picks in the most unprofessional disrespectful setting for her own enjoyment.
Our son is a runner, and has ran in the past. This time he ran and he is not bending at all. I had to go on a trip and while I was away another ex parte was filed. Here is the absolutely best part: THE EX PARTE WAS HEARD WITHOUT MY PRESENCE, SUPPOSEDLY IT WAS DENIED PER THE MINUTE ORDERS, YET SHE MADE A TEMPORARY ORDER THAT REMOVED ALL OF MY PARENTING RIGHTS! I HAVE NOTHING!!!
Our son’s school will not even talk to me per the court order.
How can you take away someone’s parental rights without any evidence! If CPS reports, and a mediation report from our child wasn’t enough to order based on the child’s wishes, what could have possibly been offered in my absence that would justify such a ruling!?
—signed, Fed Up Family Lawyer
Her approach was very dismissive and eager to conclude the case rather than hear the facts. It seemed in the court room her preference were cases that were concluded very quickly as she seemed to be kind and appropriate in those cases.
Again, she refused to hear my evidence and threatened me in a very unsettling tone to find representation. I’ve never felt more belittled and humiliated. I am afraid to officially report her as it puts me in a difficult place with her deciding over my case. However, for the sake of others, PLEASE start some sort of review process. Simply sit in her court room anonymously and see for yourself.
My children show strong signs of parental alianation and because she sides with the father on everything my children now believe him and think that I’m a monster, she told me in court if the children don’t want to go with you they don’t have to, so that is what the father told the children.
This judge should not have the power to destroy so many families, and we the people can make a change
All these children that are involved in her courtroom are being emotionally abused by her, she’s keeping mothers that keep going back to court to fight for their children apart from each other
Its time we show the public what this judge really does in her court room.
Neither one of us have resided in Solano County for the past 9 Years 2 days ago I asked for a change of venue to either Napa or CoCo County since father lives in Napa and I live in CoCo county.
She simply said she will not move it since both counts are close by and father did not want to have it changed to his County in napa.
My ex and Judge Unger know that if my Child Custody case was heard by anyone but her I would have had Custody of my daughters 5 years ago .
I don’t understand how she remains as a judge I know I’m not the only one she continues to destroy famielys Help me please

I can’t believe she is still a judge on top of it a child custody judge.
My two daughters have been brain washed and mentally abused but she doesn’t care about the facts she is pro men no matter what.
She rans a court room based on what she wants to believe and destroys relationships between mother and child.
I will never give up on my children and keep going back . For those going through this Please stay strong and don’t give up no matter what.
Please provide the Commission your case number, attorney on record at the time of incidents if applicable. Include dates, times, witness’s contact information, and ALL case documentation to support your complaint of Judicial Misconduct or Civil Right’s violations. If you have transcripts, please send copies with your complaint. To order transcripts call: 707-207-7422. Provide the month/year you were in judge Unger’s court, your case number, and contact information.
There is no Statute of Limitation on mistreatment. Even if your case is over with, or it happened five years ago, please send the Commission on Judicial Performance your information.
To download the complaint form please go to: http://cjp.ca.gov/res/docs/Appendix/Complaint_form.pdf
Please read the complaint process @ http://cjp.ca.gov/file_a_complaint.htm
If you, or someone you know has been mistreated by judge Unger please contact:
We would like to hear your story, and may be able to help!
It has been stated that in the past, she used to be very mild mannered. Since her return in 2010, she has badgered Litigant’s and their Counsel. She has interrupted cases so much that the actual facts were never able to be discussed. Judge Unger has name called, hit the bench violently, and knew her spouse was making money taking cases from her courtroom.A judge’s duty is to hear courteously, listen intently, treat those whom she deals with in a professional capacity with dignity. All in which she failed to facilitate in her courtroom. Unger also holds grudges. You go to court with all your facts, witnesses, & prepared. She doesn’t allow you to speak without interruption and rules on emotion & hearsay. ( Opposing Parties. ) In Solano County, lawyer’s tell litigant’s she’s bias against women. If you’re in her court ” You’re screwed. ”
Still with us, because there are a lot more!
Judge Unger has absolute power in her courtroom and is immune from lawsuits. Appeals for her radical rulings are expensive which it is next to impossible to get the case overturned. There is NO citizen oversight. Assisted by Fatherhood programs, the batterer receives a lawyer, the mother does not. Every year, $4,000,000,000.00 goes to child support enforcement, creating a financial incentive for the abusive parent to get custody and receive child support from the battered parent. Most child custody cases are motivated over child support, and the child’s best interest is not served. The Country points fingers at other Nation’s for Human Right’s Violations yet we need to look hard into our own county. In Solano County, we have a judge who has a history of violating human right’s. You can do something to hold judge Cynda Unger accountable.
Send in your complaints into the Commission on Judicial Performance
455 Golden Gate Ave Suite 14400
San Francisco, CA 94102
Please make sure you enclose supporting information, such as transcripts, court records, and anything the Commission can see to support your concerns.
Find your U.S. representative at www.senate.gov and www.house.gov.
Contact them and insist on FEDERAL OVERSIGHT HEARINGS.
For years, my case has never been heard. I am still waiting to have a opportunity to have my professional witnesses, subpoenaed records, and my child to be heard. Meanwhile, our child is suffering, crying, and has nothing to protect him thanks to Judge ANGER UNGER!
Turn in your complaints to the following:
Commission on Judicial Performance
455 Golden Gate Ave. Suite 14400
San Francisco, CA 94102
The only way to truly bring change is to keep sending your complaints to the Commission and Presiding judge!
There are bias mediators that demonstrate prejudice against women. Veronica Piper-Jefferson is biased against Mother’s and falsifies information in her reports. Her inexperience and failure to give accurate reports results in children being victimized. Lissette Jackson is another mediator that is prejudice against women.
To file a complaint on mediator: please go to the following link:
The procedure for processing a complaint concerning a Family Court Services
child custody recommending counselor.
Judge Unger’s rude behavior, yelling, and prejudice has resulted in children being harmed. Please go to the ipetitions link to sign using your email and name. http://www.solano.courts.ca.gov/materials/Rule%205%20–%20Eff%2007-01-13.pd…
Judge Unger is a bad judge and should be removed from family law period!
Judge Cynda Riggins-Unger showed partiality and empathized with a violent criminal. The mother, L.I., brought family court motions to keep their baby safe. Their child was under 1 years of age when father had been arrested multiple times for criminal activities.
Father had a history of violent domestic violence against mother. Mother had protective restraining orders until Judge Unger assumed the case. At that time, Judge Unger gave shared custody to the father, who had a violent background, drug conviction, and child endangerment charge.
After 3 attempts to protect their young child, Judge Unger threatened mother. She scolded, humiliated, and refused to read her filed Declarations concerning the welfare of their young child. It wasn’t until father was under the influence of crack, drove away with the child in the car, to evade police, and was sent to jail, mother was able to suspend visitation.
Judge Unger even offered for the dad to have supervised visits. The child could have been killed due to Judge Cynda Riggins-Unger’s clear and pervasive bias against the mother in her court.
You will see how they are. See how Judge Unger interacts with the lawyer.
There are many lawyers who work with smaller retainers, who allow payments, and so on. If you don’t behave like a ninny and are willing to look–good lawyers are out there. You also need to understand, most of us do not operate “always on the mother’s side” because there are some bad mothers out there. We are talking about the cases in which women are treated differently than men in her courtroom. When I am told, “I hear you fight hard for mothers,” I say, “No, I work hard for children.” Most attorneys in family law want to do well by children–whether it is with a father as client or a mother.
It is just that Judge Unger has a wide reputation now as hostile to mothers and very lenient with fathers.
The moms who can’t afford lawyers,???? There’s gotta be a way

I’m a professional, I am not ill tempered, and I always speak to other’s with respect. On the other hand, judge Unger is absolutely unprofessional. She has forgotten what a judge is supposed to do…Listen to both sides of the facts, allow both parties a chance to present evidence, then follow up with questions, to make certain she has all the information, so she can make a well informed decision….Judge Unger does not do that, and as a result, our children will be exposed to further harm. She is clearly bias against women. She lacks the patience and moral aptitude to be a judge handling family law matters. The rumors are true, the behavior is unacceptable, and children truly are being victimized… I am going to sign the Recall Petition. We deserve a judge who is patient, kind, and impartial. This County needs to get rid of judge Angry Unger…
your welcome and glad being in her court room worked out for you. Now pray for the children that are not so lucky instead of judging. RECYCLE PEACE AND POSITIVE THINGS NOT NEGATIVITY
There’s a caring Mother with a young son. The ex convict viciously abused her, and the child. He kidnapped her and had a rap sheet of assault on Police Officers. Judge Unger refused to allow the Mother to talk, produce evidence, and openly pandered to the abuser in her court. Unger gave the abusive father shared custody. Within 6 months, the child was abused, and could have died. The ex in that time violated his probation and assaulted another woman. Because of judge Unger’s refusal to listen to the evidence, and her clear bias against women, the child could have lost his life. Under a different judge, the father has lost custody.
In Unger’s court there was a woman who went to a restraining order hearing against her abuser. The woman asked for a lawyer before the hearing began. Judge Unger proceeded, without allowing her due process rights to representation, attacked her, and kicked her out of her home. Without listening to her, took away her business and her life’s work. She is homeless now.
There are hundreds of stories like these. The court officials, lawyers, litigants, and families have all witnessed the history of judicial abuse by judge Unger. I have personal observed that judge Unger is watching her behavior now, due to the Recall Petition. This action to remove her, has forced her to follow procedure and treat people with courtesy. This came with a price. This does not undo all the damage judge Unger did to the women, children, and families. The massive amount of people affected by her judicial misconduct, rude behavior, and failure to be impartial. Even her husband is capitalizing on his wife’s clear pervasive bias against women. He is making money hand over fist by women because of prejudice. This can’t be ignored. Please check out JUSTICE FORMOTHERS on Facebook, Strongnevenstronger on Google +. If you, or someone you know has been effected by judge Unger please contact MarieH0086@gmail.com to share your story.
If you are a mother, do not use mediator Lissette Jackson-Shepherd (the African American) mediator as she has shown to have a bias against mothers. If you are an African American woman, in particular, do NOT use Lissette Jackson-Shepherd who is known to have a particularly strong bias against African American women.
Ask around to different attorneys who come before the court and you will be able to verify these biases.
Judge asked “why would I do that?”
I said because she is 10 and her father makes her sleep with him in bed and she doesn’t have her own room there.
Judged told me “it’s not ileagal” and then asked what do you want me to do about it”?
My response was “care”
This judge doesn’t care how bad my daughters life is at her fathers home.

She should not be in family law at all.
We are heartbroken. The judge was horribly rude and out right ignored all evidence. She would not even look at it. This judge is suppose to not be biased but it was clear in the cases before us that she doesn’t like mothers.
We are forced to file an appeal that will cost us all our savings
Judge unger needs to be off the bench.
I was upset to see how rude she treated my child’s Mom in court. People laughed, and UNGER made her look like a bad mother. She was treating her like she was she was scum, and wouldn’t allow her to talk! As a dad, who she is mom of my kid, I was very upset to see UNGER treat her this way. She did not deserve to be yelled at, picked on humiliated and told off. I know dads take UNGERS anger toward women to hurt the ex and kids. I agree MOMS should be treated with respect and not degraded. I was going to file a complaint to see JUDGE act so inappropriate. I ended up settling agreement with ex. UNGER still made fun of her, called her names. If my daughter had been in danger then I would of acted on it…but her Mom is a great mom. I am sickened at the treatment of mom and kids in JUDGE UNGERS COURT>! No way do women deserve this type of treatment anywhere especially COURT OF LAW! YOU GO MOMS … HADNLE YOUR BUSINESS!
then the children will live with their dad out-of-state. She doesn’t have the best interests of the children at heart, and doesn’t need to make decisions on who the children live with. She is extremely rude! Solano County needs to get rid of her ASAP.
Throughout the year of going back to court because Judge Unger kept rescheduling their conferences, she gave my sister hope that she was going to be different than before. Instead, when it was time for my sister to present her side, Judge Unger interrupted her, made accusations, rendered opinions about what she thought of her, and only allowed the ex-husband to speak and present evidence, which should have never been allowed. Judge Unger harmed my nephew and is allowing him to be harmed by keeping him in an environment which is abusive and unsafe. She took my nephew out of a loving, caring home to place him in a home where he did not feel safe, is not loved and is continuously being punished for months on end because he is unhappy and is acting out, rightfully so.
The court is full of biased mediators who favor one side, mainly the derelict and mentally abusive parents. I witnessed her raise her voice, degrade, disrespect, accuse, and interrogate my little sister who is a wonderful mom. She has never had a chance to show anything because the judge didn’t read her declarations. One time there was an off-the-record twenty-minute storm of rage from the bench. I will be contacting marieh0086@gmail. I have set up rallies and I am a Special Needs Advocate. I know the power when people come together to support a cause. My nephew is now doing poorly in school, has low self-esteem, is angry, sleepless, etc., all due to the fact that Judge Unger will not listen to the children’s needs. She treats them like they have no rights. Moms going to her court, beware…if she doesn’t like you, you will be degraded. She has made many angry rulings, and I personally have seen the damage this judge has done to my own family. I know without a doubt that she has done it to more families and children, some of who may never be able to go back home because the other parent has taken their life.
Please help support me in this cause. If you have had a horrific, bad or unfair ruling by Judge Unger, please stand up for those who cannot do it for themselves. In numbers, we can do anything and make a change for Solano County families and children.
From http://www.therobingroom.com/california/Judge.aspx?id=3665