Judge Cynda Riggins-Unger consistently abuses her power as a judge. She routinely violates a litigant’s Civil and Constitutional rights. Judge Unger ignores evidence and makes rulings based on pre-determined decisions. Contrary to Judicial Canon 3B(4), Judge Unger fails to be a neutral arbitrator of the facts and makes life altering decisions based on her personal biases.
Furthermore, Judge Unger exhibits clear and pervasive prejudice against female litigants, their counsel, and witnesses, which clearly violates Judicial Canon 3B(5). Judge Unger further victimizes children of separation and divorce by taking them from the nurturing homes of the protective parent and placing them with abusers, felons, ex-convicts, drug dealers, drug addicts and even fathers who are currently facing criminal prosecution.
Judge Unger is politically biased and an equal application of the law does not apply to women in her family law cases. Judge Unger repeatedly yells, insults, and even gavels the bench violently in a rage at times in violation of Canon 3B(4).
Finally, Judge Unger is guilty of impropriety, or the appearance of impropriety, by her failure to recuse herself in cases where her spouse, an attorney, represented female litigants before her court, and thus violates Canon 2B(1).
A judge is required to possess patience, courtesy; to be even tempered and impartial; all of which Judge Unger falls short. Judge Unger violates the California Judicial Code of Ethics, lacks professionalism, and, therefore, we the people of Solano County of the State of California are requesting Judge Unger be removed based upon her abject failure to protect survivors of domestic violence, questionable ethics, her erratic courtroom demeanor, her disregard for the law, and her raging bias against women.
She is unapologetically biased against female litigants, is brutal in her treatment of said litigants and has a brazen disregard for the Domestic Violence Prevention Act, Family Code 3044, and the best interest of the child. Please help Solano County elect a fair, unbiased adjudicator of facts and evidence. Solano County deserves a judge who will uphold the Constitution, the Judicial Canons and follow the high bar set by her predecessors.
Sound familiar?
Cynda Unger, you’re time is up!